IRconsult creative strategies aims to be the innovation intermediary of choice in R&D2B and B2B markets between system integrators and sources of emerging technologies, particularly in the following segments:
Since 1996, IRconsult has undertaken over 150 innovation-related projects with a wide range of partners (70+) based in 13 countries. These include:
• start-ups and spin-offs
• management buy-outs
• family owned private companies and SMEs
• economic development agencies and related consulting firms
• institutes and universities
• quoted (FT, SX, Fortune 500) industrial companies
Success Factors
The key success factors in these projects have been:
• critical door opening skills
• “fast on our feet” orientation
• detection of early phase technology adopters
• market breakthroughs based on experience
• judgement and opportunism
• positioning of the clients’ offering through opportune use of creative strategies
IRconsult creative strategies-Shiels (“IRconsult”) is an industrial innovation intermediary. Positioned between R&D and industry, we are classic door openers who identify, engage and leverage with target specifiers and decision makers in technology transfer situations. Typical cases include:
Innovation is Open – but in name only
Large corporations are paying an increasing amount of attention to Open Innovation. But how Open is the Innovation they practice? Serious impediments exist to managing [...]